Quotes from Round One

"Eventually it dawns on you. You'll never be a Seventeen girl. Because they don't allow air-brushing in real life." -Sam

"God, look at them. They all dress alike, talk alike. They're terrified of having an opinion or being different, because then they risk being judged. They're like cattle. No. Sheep." -Sam

"Bio is after lunch this year, and I know I'm gonna barf if I have to slice and dice." -Sara Rue

"I think I'm gonna go get a muffin-top, and vomit!" -Nicole

"They're like some bad Mariah Carey power ballad come to life." -Sam

"I don't think I've ever met a teacher with an extra hole before." -Sam to Mr. Grant

"Do I have to do the splits? I'm a Christian." -Mary

"She's really good." -Brooke
"Eh heh, good and plenty." -Nicole

"Stop staring at yourself in the mirror like you're the six-hundred pound angry mom from the Springer show." -Nicole to Brooke

"Is it me? Is it because I'm fat?" -Brooke

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