Quotes from Hope in a Jar

Brooke: "Have I just been going for fiery plumage?"

Carmen: "Josh might be tired of getting hip bone with every hug and want a little cushion with his pushin'."

Harrison: "I don't want to do him, I want to be him. No, correction, I want his ass."

Ms. Ross: "Why is it only the beautiful are invited to the dance of life when we know that all God's children gotta boogie?"

Harrison: "It's because my chest is concave."
Sam: "No, it's not. My chest is concave."
Harrison: "Nevertheless, you're clearly a girl."

April: "Hello, Harrison John. Though you are not the dream boy I have bondage fantasies about (that would be the hard-bodied Stone Cold) you would be an adequate setting for the fiery ruby that is April Tuna. Please pick me up Friday at eight o'clock with expensive hot-house corsage in hand."

Poppy: "I happen to know that he has a thing for caliente girls, okay. He's begged me many times to roll my Rs for him. He's been on my todo list for weeks."
Nicole: "Excuse me. Nicole Julian and Stone Cold are like fashion and anorexia. They go together, thank you."

Lily to Harrison: "Don't be upset, my little anti-bicep."

Nicole: "This is our Stone Cold battle headquarters."

Brooke: "Harrison, do you want to go to the dance with me on Friday?"
Harrison: "Okay."

Nicole: "I can't resist a weigh-in. Subtract at least a pound for the acrylic nails and the underwire."

Lily: "Let the record show, this is a war between inner and outer beauty."

Brooke: "He's sweet and he's literate and he doesn't spend more time on his hair than I do."

Brooke: "You still wear training bras."
Sam: "Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle flat."

Carmen: "I'm so sick of being the girl with the personality."

Mary Cherry: "April Tuna is the black hole of beauty."

Lily: "Oh dear God, please let my invisible pill kick in."

Nicole: "Come on, Frankentuna!"

April Tuna: "I feel pretty. Pretty horny."

Nicole: "Maybe it's time we end this scale's tyrrany over our otherwise happy-go-lucky adolescence."

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