Quotes from Booty Camp

Brooke: "I don't have a horse."
Mary Cherry: "All in time, new best friend for life, all in time."

Jean: "I'm leaving your father, Josh."

Carmen to Lily: "I've never seen a handkerchief double as a blouse before."

Principal Hall: "The fishes can wait, Mr. Ford, your social education cannot."

Lily: "Why are we sitting with Mary Cherry? Isn't that one of the signs of the impending apocalypse."
Mary Cherry: "Now, I heard that, li'l Lily, but I hold no grudges."

Mary Cherry: "Honey, I can't be a feminist, I wax."

Miss Bobbi Glass: "What in the name of Bob Vila is going on here?"

Miss Bobbi Glass: "There are clinics for people like you, Cherry."

Sam: "You know what I just realized? Josh has a muffin butt."
Lily: "Yeah, just like two puppies romping under a blanket."

Lily: "I know that you're my friend and I know that you weren't trying to hurt me."
Harrison: "But I did. And I'm sorry."

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