Quotes from Lord of the Flies

Miss Glass: "Why aren't you under the table?"
Nicole: "Because if I wanted to play dust mop I'd have worn your clothes."
Miss Glass: "Miss Julian, this is an earthquake drill. If you stay there, you will be crushed by six tons of falling plaster and other assorted roofing materials. On second thought, don't move."

Miss Glass: "Just preparing the small fry for the big one."

Mary Cherry: "What exactly would one have to do to get spanked?"

Mr. Krupps: "That is not the way we deal with conflict, Mr. Daddy."

Harrison: "Who died and made him buddha?"

Nicole: "Vera Krupps is one of God's typos."

Nicole: "When in Brooke's presence we defer to her Brookeness."

Lily to Carmen: "Are you sure you're not wasting away in paranoiaville?"

Sam: "Are we doing Tai-Chi or Pippin?"

Mr. Krupps: "Are you done using me for the night? Is this your idea of putting out positive energy, Brooke? Making someone unecessarily jealous? Preying on the insecurities of a new relationship? Drawing innocent bystanders into your web of deceit? Stop me when I hit something that bothers you."

Lily: "Forgive me, Harrison, I like you very much but you play that guitar like someone with a wooden hand."
Harrison: "Sam, you also think I'm talent free?"

Harrison: "Is there going to be a test?"
Mr. Krupps: "Everyday, Mr. John, for the rest of your life."

Carmen: "This princess just turned back into a frog."

Harrison: "I'm like one of those cheap chocolate Easter bunnies: tasteless on the outside, hollow on the inside."

Carmen: "Living in constant fear of being dumped can make a person really tired."

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