Quotes from Ch-Ch-Changes

Mr. Don: "Now, tell me, son, where'd you learn to sand like this?"
Harrison: "I don't know, I guess I've just always been interested in sawdust."
Mr. Don: "That's a gift. Keep it up, buddy."

Carmen: "I don't get it. Why would he want to dress like a woman? And why would he wear those shoes with that dress 'cause they don't match."

Robin: "You can be different, fine. Just don't talk about it, because if you do there are consequences. That's how the world works, Harrison. That's... the way it works."

Mr. Don to Harrison: "Thank you for your support and your idealism. Hold onto that for as long as you can, son."

Sam: "We need to do something to attract attention."
Mike: "Well, you'd think a shop teacher in chiffon would do that."

Cherry Cherry on Mary: "She may not be smart or pretty, but she's loyal as a Rottweiler."

Mary Cherry: "For the first time, my sense of style has to override my Christian convictions. I would be betraying my oath as a Glamazon if I let you walk out of here looking like ten miles of bad road."

Miss Bobbi Glass: "Sitting down while you pee is overrated, Don."

June: "I want my kids to judge people by what they stand for and not what they stand in."

Mary Cherry: "If there's one thing my momma taught me, it's not over 'til she says so."

Cherry Cherry: "There's been a mistake as big as my hair made here."

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