Quotes from Truth or Consequences

Brooke: "The next time I fight back, it's going to be with cupcakes."
Sam: "Oh, what are you going to do, Brooke? Kick my ass with hair products?"

Harrison: "I sort of think of golf of a new type of meditation. Ball's your problem, club your solution, swing's your solution. Aim the way you want the problem to land."

Nicole: "Hey, Spam."
Sam: "Hey, Satan."

Mary: "God bless Brooke, and God bless meticulous skin care."

Nicole: "Come to Farrah."

Nicole: "Jennifer Lopez has no shame. If I had an ass that big, I would never leave the house."

Brooke: "I guess in a strange way, you're the only person that really understands what I'm going through right now."
Sam: "Yeah. It's not so easy when you start losing respect for your parents, huh?"
Brooke: "Especially when they're the only one that you've got."

Nicole: "My dad cheated on my mom and vice versa. I grew up with it. Recently I read that over seventy percent of the population cheated on their taxes. I came of age in a decade ruled by a president who told the nation that he cheated in several forms. He was never punished. His popularity ratings improved. So am I sorry I cheated? Hell, no, I'm not sorry. I'm the norm."

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