Quotes from Queen B.

Sam to Brooke: "With all the lotions and potions you use it's a wonder your face doesn't just slide off down the drain."

Mary: "Momma, I want that crown, and I'll do anything to get it. Anything."
Cherry: "That's my girl."

April: "May, what are you eating?"
May: "Dirt."

Carmen: "What does she look like in the morning? Please tell me she doesn't wake up in full blonde goddess mode."

Freddie: "Brooke, what's my name? It's not a joke. What's my name? You don't know, do you. I have passed you thousands of times in the hall. We've been in classes together since the third grade, and yet you've never once stopped to say hi to me or compromised your social status by daring to acknowledge my existance. How do you expect me to vote for you when you don't even know I'm alive?"

Carmen: "Brooke, I want you to know that I didn't tell Sam to put those posters up."
Brooke: "I know."
Carmen: "So, what are you saying, that you're thin and omniscent?"

Nicole: "Our next nominees, a size 10, Mary Cherry."
Cherry: "She does look as big as a house, don't she."

Sam: "Hi. Sorry I haven't been by to see you in awhile, it's just hard for me to imagine you down there all alone. Lately that's how I've been feeling too. Dad, I miss you so much. I sort of ache over it every day. I think you wouldn't like th person I've beocome. So I've got to change that. As you know, I'm in a situation right now that's really unpl and heinous. I just feel that I'm failing everybody: myself, mom, you... especially you. In my heart I know you'd want mom to be happy, and she is trying so hard, and I just keep screwing it up for her. I think I never really said goodbye and that's why I'm holding on so tight. So I'm here to tell you that you were the best dad ever. You and mom, you were my home. But I've got a new home now, and somehow I've got to make that work. But don't worry, this isn't a final goodbye. Every time I go to a ball game or write a story or do something brave I know you'll be there, right by my side."

Brooke to Sam: "I think we both have to get used to wearing the crown around here."

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