Quotes from Timber!

Jane: I am gonna go and grab a cone in thirty-one flavors and have my eggs frozen, because by the time this mess is fixed I'll be friggin' eighty!

Brooke: All in all...
Sam: ...a pretty uneventful summer.

Sugar Daddy: Upperclassman tradition says that if you announce your romantic affections on the Forever Tree, then legend has it, you and your boo will last a lifetime.

Sam: I have to make this work at home, you guys, I feel responsible for all this drama-rama.
Harrison: You kinda are, Sam.
Sam: Thanks, Harrison.

Bobbi Glass: I'm baaaaaaack!
Nicole: It's alive.

Bobbie Glass: Nothing lasts forever!

Josh: Let's just say I don't wear Eternity cologne for men anymore.

Nicole: So now, if you'll excuse me, I must go vomit and post the audition list.

Nicole to Carmen: If you'll remember you quit the squad last year during the trial of Emory Dick bringing much shame to my house of rah-rah.

Mike to Kelly: There are different types of mothers, aren't there. I think your type is more closely related to the garden variety alley cat that dumps her litter in the gutter and leaves them defenseless so she can run off and squeeze in her next mating opportunity.

Jane: You don't like Brooke, you don't like Mike...
Sam: I do like them, they were home to me.

Nicole to Mary Cherry: You give me yours, or your glamorous career will be colder than Lauren Holly's.

Lily: "'Til death do us part" should be replaced in the American lexicon by "until something better comes along or I get bored."

Jane: How do I look?
Sam: Very "American Beauty," mom.

Nicole: Mary Cherry, why are you dressed like a gay turkey?

April Tuna: I'm a frickin' teen Paula Abdul!

Calvin Krupps: Miss Ferrara, congrats. Success is a great color on you, it brings out your eyes.

Lily: Despite all of the changes, surprises and topplings of social hierarchies this week, we are still standing and so is the Forever Tree.

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