Quotes from Baby, Don't Do It

Bobbi Glass: ...an electronic record that, at week's end, will conclusively tell whether you're a June Cleaver or a Joan Crawford.
Lily: Um, I'm childless.
Bobbi Glass: And the world is better off. See, a choice had to be made on your personality and I didn't deem you much of a pregnancy risk.

Lily: There is no greater aphrodisiac than loneliness.

Nicole: Brookie, for the first time, the emptiness I feel inside has nothing to do with Bulimia.

Mary Cherry: Shut your pie-hole you little no-neck monster, you damn bastard child!

Josh: What does she care, Miss Glass, she's moving to San Francisco.
Bobbi Glass: Is this true, Miss Mc-moving-on-out?

Bobbi Glass: Like an STD from a cheap Bangkok hooker, the dark cloud of my wrath will follow you for the rest of your natural life.

Nicole: If the Claw finds out we've hired a hand that rocks the cradle, well, our reign will be shorter than the dress I plan to pour myself in tonight.

Lily: Is Hilaryswank gonna be okay?
Carmen: Ah, judging by the severed vertebrae, I'd say that motor control is pretty much a thing of the past.

Mary Cherry: On the one hand, I'm quite proud of the extraordinary achievements of our proteges, yet on the other, I wish them to be the victims of a disfiguring automobile accident.

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